Saturday, May 23, 2015

Homemade Cherry Pie Filling

The cherry season has just started and I have a lot cherries in my garden. Good thing about it is that everyone in my family loves cherries in all sorts and variations on the table.When you have a lot, you need to figure out how to store them in order to be used through the whole year. My pattern is to put them in a deep freezer and deal with them as necessary. Off course, all of them pitted out...yes, a lot of work but it's much easier later.


  • 1 pound of frozen pitted cherries
  • 1/2 cup of sugar
  • 2 tbsp of cornstarch
  • 1 tbsp of vanilla sugar
Take out the cherries from the deep freezer and put them in the bowl on a medium heat and pour the sugar on them. Wait until it boils and stir in the corn starch previously dissolved in a little water. Cook the filling until it gets thick.
While cherries are defrosting enough liquid is loosing and you don't have to add any liquid whatsoever.