Monday, May 4, 2015

Nutella Strudel

Nutella is an only ingredient well known all over the world... When you say Nutella you are speaking sweet on every language. The other day, I have made a simple strudel dough and I was thinking if I should use cottage cheese to cream it or something else. There were some nuts and jelly and poppy seed and off course - Nutella. Well, the cottage cheese I used for macaroni and my hand reached for the nutty chocolate spread with an exquisite taste - Nutella. 

For the strudel dough you can use the recipe I used for all the other strudels I have made... for example the Hazelnut Roll Cake - Strudel. Roll the dough out on the working surface and spread the Nutella cream over it. Roll it in and put it in the pan covered with baking paper. Cream the egg on the top and leave it to rest for a half an hour. Bake it on 400 F degrees as long as it takes to get nice color on the top - approximately for 30 minutes.